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Broken Mainspring? "Click" to Login or Register 
I just picked up a 992B (signature 1) but when I wound it, after winding about half way I startd hearing unusual slipping noise inside and the tension on the stem did not increase. This is a broken Mainspring I assume??

How expensive a repair is that typically. I have the option of returning the watch for sure; but might negotiate a repair with seller since it is a signature 1.

[Additional information in this topic: Worth fixing?]

Posts: 586 | Location: Bastrop, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 22, 2011
IHC Life Member
Certified Watchmaker
Picture of Chris Abell
Hi Gary,
Mainspring prices vary if you allow $25 for the spring and $5-$10 shipping from the supply house then a modest ½ hrs labor, to do a mainspring, not including the email mails, receiving ordering time, and re shipping etc that goes along with it should give you a idea.
One problem is that to truly replace mainspring only will often not end happily if that is done it is likely the watch will not run the same , the movement needs removing plates separating old oil and indeed dirt & grease will be moved a certain amount of cleaning should be done at least , once re assembled do you add more cost/time adjusting a dirty movement or do a full service.
Posts: 2625 | Location: Northeast Texas in the USA | Registered: November 20, 2003
Thanks Chris

I have been bless by owning several boats that operate in saltwater. We have a saying there..."its the might as wells that'll kill you". Meaning of course that when you get in to do a "simple repair" you always begin to solve other problems and they chain up quickly. Often better off to plan to overhaul or replace to begin with. Or at least recognize small projects usually grow..

I'm just getting my feet wet in the Pocket Watch world, but I suspect it works the same.

Two IHC185 members have already voluntered to bail me out on this one, so I'm shipping it one of them since this watch is important to my collection.

I'm still buying tools and setting up my repair bench...I'm begining my experience on a couple of inexpensive watches (16s 3/4 and bridge models of sufficient quality that the tolerances are not sloppy). I have your checklist and other references to guide me; plus a phone a (IHC185) friend bailout if it goes badly. A few more tools and courage and I'll be on my way.

Posts: 586 | Location: Bastrop, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 22, 2011
IHC Life Member
Certified Watchmaker
Picture of Chris Abell
That sums it up pretty well, it’s a carefully balance machine and a slight change in one part you might as well take the short cut and plan do it all once!. Hey if you looking for a buffing machine (or anyone else for that matter) to polish the cases I have just upgraded and have one going cheap with a ¾ hp motor.
Posts: 2625 | Location: Northeast Texas in the USA | Registered: November 20, 2003
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