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Loose movement on my Waltham 845 "Click" to Login or Register 
Need some simple advise. I didn't listen to my wife..."You cant just carry that thing, get a chain for it. Or at least a lanyard."

"Nahhh, it'll be ok".

Sure enough I dropped the thing on the way into work this morning. Its just fine, as luck would have it, it just bounced off my toe. However, the case screws came loose and now the movement is just sitting loose in the case.

I have NO idea how to correct this without possibly messing things up further (hence the reason I send them to Chris Abell) and yet I hate to send it in over such a seemingly simple repair (And it may not even be advisable with the movement jostling around in the case through the mail).

So is there any way I can do this myself? I'm assuming that I need a special screwdriver at the least, but is there anything else I need to know before attempting anything? Or should I try to find someone in the DC area who knows what they're doing. I have someone back in OH (I get there every few weeks or so) would it be best to wait till then?

Any advise would be welcome to help solve this.

Thank you
Posts: 8 | Location: Washington, DC in the USA | Registered: March 30, 2008
IHC President
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Hi Clinton,

You can do it if you are careful, but first...

Knowing the style of case will help with the explanation.


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Hi Lindell,

I talked to Chris offline and as there may be a staff issue as well I'm going to have him look at it. He's been really decent in the past so I trust him.

Thanks though
Posts: 8 | Location: Washington, DC in the USA | Registered: March 30, 2008
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