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Hamilton Shipper Spring how does it work? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Grant Perry
I have posted this on the "Wanted to Buy" board, but hope someone can help me out on the "what the shipper spring does" part of my question. It is off a Hamilton 946 Serial #549,832. I have attached a pic of the part. Can anyone tell me what the job of the shipper spring is? The lever set works without it, but I assume that it puts additional spring onto the lever for return?? It was broken when I took the dial off, so I'm not 100% sure how it operated prior. The only reason that I found that it was broken was because the piece that was broken off jammed against the hour post and stalled the watch 
Thank you in advance,

Grant Perry

Posts: 334 | Location: Ottawa, Canada | Registered: January 28, 2003

The "shipper" spring is the "lever set" spring.

When you remove the lever underneath it you will find a button that one end of the spring will go on. The other end is held by a screw in the plate (unless someone removed it) and should be there with whatever is left of the old spring.

The purpose of the spring is to assist the lever in retracting to the closed position.

Most are never replaced when broken and the lever is simply "pushed" back in place.

If it was mine, I would replace it so that it is as original as possible and you also have the satisfaction of knowing it is working as it should.
Posts: 508 | Registered: January 11, 2003
Picture of Grant Perry
Hi Jim:
Thank you for the quick reply. I thought that was likely how it worked. The lever works fine without it, just a little loose. I will replace it assuming I can find a suitable donor!
Best regards,

Grant Perry
Posts: 334 | Location: Ottawa, Canada | Registered: January 28, 2003
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