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Waltham & Elgin Parts "Click" to Login or Register 
Hi everyone!

I've recently bought a couple of watches for restoration but don't have a catalogue late enough to correctly identify the required parts. If anyone could help with this I'd be forever in their debt!

First is a 1910, Grade 374, 16s Elgin 'Father Time'. Staff is broken on both pivots, lower balance hole jewel is cracked and roller jewel is missing. The case is totalled so it's a bit of a basket case but well worth the 90 bucks I paid???
Come to think of it I'd almost pay $90 just to look at that beautiful long lever!

Second is a 16s Waltham, model 1908, grade 645, it looks to be in pretty good order except for a duff staff. I haven't pulled it down yet so there may be issues with the balance jewels as well.

If anyone could help with part numbers I'd be truly grateful.

Posts: 57 | Location: Brisbane, Australia | Registered: January 27, 2008
IHC Life Member
Picture of Frank Kusumoto
You need to get a Swigart book. What reference manuals are you currently using?

Posts: 1029 | Location: Denver, Colorado U.S.A. | Registered: October 08, 2004
Hi Frank,

Many thanks for that, I think it's got the Elgin sorted!

I'm working from a reprint of a 1916 Elgin catalogue but some of the size 16 info is pretty well illegible. I've got a clean version coming but it won't be here until well after Easter I suspect. I note that the Swigart info goes up to the seventh model, Grade 162. I presume the same size parts were used on the 15th Model, Grade 374 movements?

For the Waltham I'm currently working from a 1936 reprint but I've got a 1948 original coming which should cover most, if not all of the later movements.

Thanks again for your help, it's greatly appreciated!

Posts: 57 | Location: Brisbane, Australia | Registered: January 27, 2008
Dick - I know Australia is a fur piece away, but if you can get a reprint of the E&J Swigert Co. book, you will be way ahead for American watches. Ebay, big US dealers (Jules Borel, probably CAS-KERR, Livesay) should have them. Price has gone up for new reprints, but they are well worth it. Many of the major manufacturers and their models are included. Also are lists of stems and mainsprings. This was one of my first books and I now have two, just in case the first one wears out.

Barry B
Posts: 15 | Location: Fairfax, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2003
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