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Main spring prices "Click" to Login or Register 
Anybody buy a stainless steel main spring for an American pocket watch lately? Good grief, in 2 weeks the price went from $8 to $25 each. I thought it was commodity prices. I talked with Griffin Watch Supply and was told that the American market has declined so much that the company who makes the springs for BestFit does not want to make American pocket watch springs any more. They are doing very limited runs, subsequently, the price goes up. I was told the European market is still strong and that springs for European watches have not gone up.
Posts: 160 | Location: Hartville, Ohio in the USA | Registered: August 18, 2005
Picture of Brian C.
That's the word and the going price today.
I can remember complaining about $12.00 a dozen years ago.
Brian C.
Posts: 1857 | Location: Epsom, New Hampshire USA | Registered: December 14, 2002
IHC Life Member
Picture of Scott Cerullo

Are you stocking mainsprings??

Mainsprings at Borel are at $24 and Casker for $22. The problem is getting them. I needed a spring for a Hamilton 917 and neither company had them in stock and said it might be 3 weeks before they get any. So what's left, all the blue springs that are still floating around with collectors. Wristwatch springs are still the same old price and available.
Posts: 1033 | Location: Northeast Pennsylvania in the USA | Registered: June 02, 2003
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