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Large Waist versus small Waist Staffs "Click" to Login or Register 
Can any one describe the difference between
Large waist Balance staffs (#1364)
Small waist Balance staffs (#1365)
The dimensions in various lists differ so much.
I was confused before I started, and now more so...
Mel Siedman
Posts: 507 | Location: West Newton, Massachusetts USA | Registered: September 10, 2006
Melvin, these are the dimensions that Townsend shows in his "Balance Staff Interchangeability List" booklet. This is the only source I have found that show the dimensions of the "waists".

1364 vs 1365 dims
Posts: 346 | Location: Woodland Hills, California in the USA | Registered: January 07, 2011
Hi Robert,
Thanks for that info.
I studied the dwg for a while and can't figure why they were making such small differences.
Last few hair on my head are being pulled out.
I can go to several different sites, all reputable, with slightly different dimensions for the SAME STAFF!!
Posts: 507 | Location: West Newton, Massachusetts USA | Registered: September 10, 2006
I agree Mel. I think that some/most sources must have gotten the dimensions they quote from measurements they made on staffs. So manufacturing tolerances & measurement accuracy could account for some of the differences.
Posts: 346 | Location: Woodland Hills, California in the USA | Registered: January 07, 2011
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