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Hairspring work "Click" to Login or Register 
I am looking for a person or a company that does hairspring work or replacement, along with virbrating the new hairspring. I am interested in repair of both pocket watches and wrist watches.
Posts: 2 | Location: Hemlock, Michigan USA | Registered: September 26, 2005

As you might guess, hairspring work is something that very folks are able to do. One reason is that Haispring stock for antique pocket watches is quite rare, another is that it is difficult to find instructors to teach the skills.

A couple of links that will give you some info:

This was an article that was talked about on our board a while back. A Day in Watch School Part 6

And here's a link to a place that does hairspring work, although I have no personal knowledge to their quality of service. Carigan's Watch Repair

You might also contact Ed Ueberall who runs the Escapement. He is a member here and does some excellent work.

If there are other 185 members who can give some advice, chime in!
Posts: 539 | Location: Central Illinois in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 22, 2002
Having hairspring vibrated isn't cheap. Here is a site I ran across. Maybe they can help you out.

Posts: 225 | Location: Belmont, Wisconsin USA | Registered: April 09, 2004
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