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Buying a 992B in 1941 "Click" to Login or Register 
Before starting, let me thank everyone for providing this terrific resource. I've learned quite a bit reading through the various posts here.

I'm hoping the regulars here can help me get my head around what the original cost of a particular 992B would have been when it was first introduced. You could formulate the question several ways, but the formulation I'm most interested in would be:

"What combination of case and dial would be the least expensive 992B a railroader could buy in 1941?"

I've seen various posts here that show catalog prices of various configurations, but (if it exists) I haven't stumbled across a post that shows the relative prices of cases and dials.

I would appreciate any help you can offer.
Posts: 40 | Location: Atlanta, Georgia in the USA | Registered: April 02, 2010
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Hi John,

The closest we might come is this 1941 advertisement posted below wherein the price of a 992B is shown at $66.00 with the buyer's choice of three cases and two dials. In later years the Stainless-Steel Case 15 and the Rolled-Gold-Plate Case 16 were both quoted at less than any of the then available Gold-Filled cases but I do not recall of differing prices for dial choices on new Hamilton 992B Railway Special Watches.

Perhaps someone else will have more extensive information.



This 1941 advertisement shows a $66.00 price...

Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Lindell, thanks. That's exactly what I was looking for.
Posts: 40 | Location: Atlanta, Georgia in the USA | Registered: April 02, 2010
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