June 05, 2016, 14:59
Theodore J. Brown Sr.954L questions
I just got another Hamilton, a 16s 17 jewel 954L.What a sharp looking movement this is, has a fancy zigzag damaskeen pattern, gold settings and balance screws, 2-screw crown wheel and damaskeened winding wheels.I know these are not too common,I know it's pretty much the same as a 972 but with a different pattern on the plates.This has the standard double sunk heavy Arabic railroad dial on it.Were these ever sold as a movement only,I've seen ads for them in factory gold & gold-filled cases.I know they were RR approved at the time they were made.I got mine uncased, I'm getting a nice long-pendant YGF case it will look right at home in.They don't seem to turn up very often, most of the ones I've seen were not in Hamilton cases, that's why I'm wondering if some came out of the factory for sale uncased. Thanks, Ted.
June 05, 2016, 16:14
Steven FordTed,
Here's a line from a former post about cased watches from Hamilton.
"There were some watches that were cased earlier at the Hamilton factory. For example, in 1915 the 950, 990, 994 954, 956 and 952 were sold cased. Only the 954 and 956 were sold cased only."
Lots are now in other cases or uncased due to wear or melted for the gold.
June 06, 2016, 15:07
Robert McClellandAccording to Hamilton notes on the 954, when the 954 stock was closed out in 1917 and 1918 most of the lever set models were sold as movements only to Norris-Alister Ball Co. in Chicago for $13.00.
June 06, 2016, 15:30
Steven FordRobert,
Do the notes give any serial numbers on the closed out stock, or just say the remaining stock?
Just wondering.
June 07, 2016, 16:25
Robert McClellandSteven, there are no serial numbers listed for the closed out stock.
June 07, 2016, 21:10
Theodore J. Brown Sr.Thanks Bob & Steve, I've heard of Gelson's Hamilton list, but I haven't heard of another, is that online anywhere? Thanks again, Ted.
June 07, 2016, 21:13
Theodore J. Brown Sr.Another 954 question just came to me: has anyone seen an ad that shows the movement?The one I've seen only shows the whole cased watch but no picture of the movement.
June 08, 2016, 16:45
Robert McClellandTed, Hamilton compiled and recorded information from their records on many of the watches that had been produced.
I did not find an ad showing the 954 movement, but here is a page from the 1914 Hamilton Timekeeper that shows the movement.
June 08, 2016, 20:24
Theodore J. Brown Sr.Thanks Bob, much appreciated! Take care, Ted.