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"S-Prefix" serial numbered 992B "Click" to Login or Register 
Found this one at the annual Hillsville Va flea market/gunshow labor day accompanied by 2 wrist watches and few old shotguns.

It is a marked 992B serial # S29839. That's all the facts I have.

A strong case has been built, including boxed examples, that Hamilton used left over 4992 pillar plates to complete some of the final 992B's. The watches are fully marked 992B, but the serial #'s are in the 4C range set aside for 4992b's. The cap jewel settings are white gold as on the 4992's also.

So here we have one with an S series # and several others have been reported.

I would welcome comments ranging from wife's tales, to your own personal opinions, to any hard documentation on these.

Fire away!


Posts: 719 | Registered: December 15, 2002
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

I have S30125 from the post-production 992B watches in my collection. It is housed in a solid-gold case 17 number P164746 and a red "H8" stamp inside the case-back.

A report of S29541 was also recently confirmed.

Those who have or know of S-Prefix 992B examples, please post them here.


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
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RR Watch Expert
Picture of Ed Ueberall
S 29556, S 29689 and S 29839 are also 992B movements. When I examined S 29689 I found that it had the additional holes drilled and tapped to accept 950 B plates as well as the 992B plates that were on it. It would be interesting to see if the other "S" 992B movements also had the additional holes in their plates.

Ed Ueberall
IHC Member 34
The Escapement
Posts: 620 | Location: Pooler, Georgia in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 23, 2002
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