January 09, 2020, 15:44
Bob AlibertoOriginallity of 1924 Hamilton 992
Does this watch have the correct case and dial?
I cannot post photos but it is serial number 2314387.
The Wadsworth crossbow case is number 6963054.
The dial appears to be a blind man DS # 576.
I used all the information provided by this excellent forum and believe this watch is period correct however I would like clubs opinion to be certain.
January 09, 2020, 15:55
Bob AlibertoLooks the photos uploaded after all...this forum is the best!!
January 09, 2020, 18:37
Tom DunnLooks like a CPR to me watch should have the CPR dial on it (click the link)
That blindman dial, to me, belongs on later 992s and 992Es
January 09, 2020, 18:43
Harry J. Hyaduck Sr.Who knows? The case is a 1924, according to the Gelson list the movement is a 1925 and it has one of the 992 dials so I am guessing it could be original but who knows for sure without the box it came in. I do believe it is period correct.
January 09, 2020, 19:04
Tom DunnIt could have the BM dial on it too, personally I like the CPR dial on the crossbar case when I sell them I can back the setup with factory ads so they are definitely "non argumentative"
January 10, 2020, 19:57
Bob AlibertoThank you gentleman,I value your opinions and appreciate you taking time time to respond to my request. You have put my mind at ease!
January 11, 2020, 11:27
Bob AlibertoHi Lindell,
thanks for your reply and sharing your experience with us all!
Without the vast information that is avalible from this club I could not be as involved in the hobby as I am now.Thank you all.
I have another Hamilton that I can use everyones guidance on,an
early 992b perhaps a "civilian" model? I will start a new post for that one and hope you all have time to respond.
Thanks again'