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Early 992B by good luck "Click" to Login or Register 
My brother-in-law told me of a small watch collection owned by a Navy friend from Korean War days. The story was that the friend did not collect watches, but collected a lot of other things, sometimes acquired watches in trades, and just kept them. Eventually I was invited to visit the friend and buy the collection if I wanted it. Brother-in-law and I drove a long way, and I bought the stuff, which included 992B number C1993 in a number 11 case.
The condition of the piece is quite nice, and I would like a bit of advice about its consistency. The case is Keystone number 1211827. From earlier posts on this board I gather that the case is approximately consistent with the movement's date. Am I right?
The hands are bright blue. Unfortunately, the heavy gothic dial is melamine, I think. The rounded corner vs. angled corner test is difficult for me to distinguish, but I can see that the numerals are physically thick and round up above the white surface of the dial. The numerals are also slightly pockmarked, as though the material had tiny bubbles in it when the numerals were applied. Presumably the movement would necessarily have had a porcelain dial originally?
Thanks to all who make the 185 message boards such a great resource.

Joe Jones
Posts: 47 | Location: Indianapolis, Indiana USA | Registered: April 24, 2006
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Your watch sounds right Joe,

Porcelain-enamel dials often have very tiny bubbles on the surface. If you can share an image we can tell you if the dial is correct or not. The image below is a 1941 Hamilton Catalog page with your number 11 case on the far left. From what you said, your dial is that style which is "HG" or "Heavy Gothic" and a "Numerical" dial is shown in the center. Is "Hamilton Railway Special" printed on your dial?

1941 Catalog Page shows available styles...

Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
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