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992B on 950B body? "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
What conclusions would you draw from a 992B with a 950B serial number?

Kenneth Sloan
Posts: 222 | Location: Alabama in the USA | Registered: February 01, 2014
IHC Life Member
and...what evidence would you accept that this pairing is "legitimate"?

Kenneth Sloan
Posts: 222 | Location: Alabama in the USA | Registered: February 01, 2014
IHC Life Member
Picture of Patrick Wallin
Unless it was done at production it is probably someones fixen.
I have run into a lot of Hamilton's that are not as they are purported to be. I have two single rollers that are supposed to be double. I have 4 974 Hamilton's that do not have interchangeable parts.Some have a two pin balance bridge and some have a three pin. (Line up pins)
Posts: 1732 | Location: Enumclaw, Washington in the USA | Registered: October 02, 2011
IHC Life Member
Picture of Larry Lamphier
Kenneth, It would be good to know the serial number, but have you looked at this VERY interesting topic that Lindell put up for us?


I don't know if this is what you are talking about, but very interesting, and informative, reading. Smile

Posts: 2733 | Location: Northeastern United States | Registered: February 28, 2010
Picture of Richard Romero

In order for a pairing to be considered legitimate I’d want the serial numbers to be consistent with the ones in the post production database Larry refers to. In addition a careful comparison of the parts to the ones that would have been used at that time would be required.

Have a good day,

Posts: 1413 | Location: Fremont, California in the USA | Registered: February 06, 2010
IHC Life Member
Thanks to all who replied. I've read Lindell's excellent posts - but don't always remember it. Looking at it again, I see that the serial number in question falls well within the range of 950B numbers already known to be used for "post-production 992B's). I don't have the access, or skills, or even good enough photos, to judge individual parts - For a newbie such as myself it was a minor triumph to recognize the implications of the mixed major parts in the first place. So...I suppose I'll put this one in the "not proven to be bogus, yet" category until/unless I can get better information.

Thanks again - spot on information, as always.

Kenneth Sloan
Posts: 222 | Location: Alabama in the USA | Registered: February 01, 2014
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine


There is only one number on these movements, what you see on the pillar plate. Larry and Richard are correct that if your movement number falls into the range you see in Lindell's collected data it would most likely be an original item. Congratulations, the "S-Prefix" 992B are very uncommon.

Please post movement number along with case number and description for inclusion in the database.


Posts: 5475 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
IHC Life Member
I don't own it - it was offered for auction...and then pulled for "an error in the listing".

Kenneth Sloan
Posts: 222 | Location: Alabama in the USA | Registered: February 01, 2014
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