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Question: Would You Like a Separate European Pocket Watch Forum? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Sheila Gilbert
I would welcome the new forum, and not only, like Dave said, will it respect the growing needs of our international colleagues, it will help us to become more educated ourselves.
I have a few foreign watches and I do like them and would love to learn more about them.

With Swiss, French, English, and more to learn about, the best way to obtain the information is in the sharing of information with each other. It has helped us so much with American watches, that I believe it will do everyone interested in them, a world of good.

Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
I agree with Sheila, I have several old pocket watches that are Eurpoean and would like to have a place chat about them. I also think it would expand the appeal of the Chapter.

Posts: 93 | Location: Frisco, Texas in the USA | Registered: August 29, 2006
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Picture of Phillip Sanchez
It is my understanding you will see the new European watch forum very soon, on a trial basis.

It is a lot of work to put it together.

As usual, it falls on Lindell’s broad shoulders to carry this load. We can help him by making sure this new forum sees plenty of action.

And of course not to forget to thank him and Dr. Debbie for making it all work, as if it just happens out of thin air. Smile Smile
Posts: 4975 | Location: North Georgia Mountains in the U.S.A. | Registered: March 31, 2006
Picture of Matthew E. Sutton
As Sheila stated, we can only become more educated by offering an opportunity for European oreinted, and North American members to post their time keepers. Why not?
Posts: 495 | Location: Kailua, Hawaii in the USA | Registered: March 14, 2005
All, I would like to say a huge thank you to all that have made comments supporting this issue to date.
Please remember though, this is not My baby, it is Yours!

It is very belated I know and I apologise for this, but I would like to say a big Thank you to Lindell and Stephanie for allowing this topic an airing at all, and also for giving it a prominent position at the top of the board so it gets a fair hearing.

I've not been to this thread for a little while because i've been trawling all the topics in the Pocket Watch forum for any European related material that could (with the originator's approval) be moved into such a new forum if created.

So far, working back from page 48, I've got to page 34, and to date, there are 56 threads which are probably suitable, 2x of which are related to Russian watches.

Some of those topics would also merit being brought to the top again for further discussion - one of which was posted by Stephanie and could create quite an interesting response given the growth of IHC 185 membership! ;>Wink

Another point which came to light, was the anonymous nature of some of the headers which gave no clue as to the origin of the watch being discussed, and which would make them almost impossible to find.
In most cases, they related to watches of either English or Swiss manufacture.

I also found that there are several American members here who have a specific interest in collecting European watches, particularly Fusee and Verge types, and at least one of whom has a significant knowledge of their quirks and methods of operation - that he described them so admirably, is good enough reason to bring to the top again for the benefit of the more recent membership!.

I've copied and pasted url's to all likely threads into a draught Email which will be available at any time should anyone want or need it. Hopefully, should a new forum be created, this could cut down a bit of work for Lindell and Debbie, but I know not of what goes on behind the scenes!.

It was not lost on me either that creation of a new forum would inevitably cause work for them and I have already mentioned this in a private Email to Lindell.

As with any enterprise though, it has to move with the times and satisfy its clientelle if it is to continue to grow and IHC.185 is no exception. Failure to do so would be to see IHC.185 stagnate, and I'm certain that neither Lindell or Debbie want that, especially considering the significant trials and tribulations they endured setting up IHC 185 in the first place.

I would also hope that any creation of a new forum wouldn't create for some members an 'Us and Them' situation ie: 'American v. European' watches, which could amount to a form of Horlological racism.
I do know this feeling exists in some quarters of the horological world and it is all the poorer for it.

It should in reality create more discussion between those interested in both those areas, and for those with no interest, a means of avoiding having to trawl such topics to find their own flavour of interest.

I would hope too, that no one sees this initiative as competition for members of other watch boards, that is patently untrue in my eyes! I see this simply as a means to serve the present membership better and of those who find us by whatever means. If folks prefer other forums, they will go there anyway!

As for me, I've enjoyed giving help and also receiving it, especially with regards to watches of American manufacture, and at least 3 members have helped me in this respect by helping rescue a few watches via parts needed.

But my interest is predominantly European watches, simply because of the numbers I own and where I live, it is doubless the same for others. It doesn't however stop me browsing American related threads for items of interest, and that too is doubtless the same for others.

Life would just be a little easier and more fun if they were separated - Pure and simple!

If this new forum is created, Please, Please support it!

I know there are several members seriously interested in Swiss or English watches who have not made any comment here, and I also accept that they may have their own personal reasons for not doing so, but PLEASE, if this forum gets off the ground, come and support it, but better still, come say hello right Now!!

Posts: 1282 | Location: Northern England, United Kingdom | Registered: January 07, 2006
I would be more than happy if my one or two postings about European made watches were moved to the new forum. I cannot say that I am a "font of wisdom" concerning such mechanisms, but I would be more than happy to learn more. I would like to make one request: if the forum is created can it please include both pocket watches and wristwatches? A time may come when the topics need to be split, but initially having them together may create a greater appeal and willingness to participate. This should also include 'cross-breed' watches - American brand names with European mechanisms.

- Mark Lee
Posts: 148 | Location: Maryland in the U.S.A. | Registered: May 25, 2004
Picture of Stephan Gaal
When this new forum is created where is it likely to be slotted in on the main Page?
Posts: 431 | Location: South Victoria, Australia | Registered: January 18, 2007
Hi John and Fellow Chapter Members

Why not have a separate European PW Forum. What have we got to loose?

What is the worst senario; it is not well patronized. If that is the case and I doubt it,the forum can be re-integrated.

I for one am keen to learn about pocket watches from as many source countries as possible.

Posts: 184 | Location: Christchurch, New Zealand | Registered: February 02, 2007
Many thanks to everyone who has made comments on this thread, most appreciated.

Do please keep the comments coming, as without them it will appear there is very little support for the idea, which I know is far from the truth.

Unfortunately, personal matters have kept me away from the boards for quite a while, and accordingly, I've been unable to keep any impetus going.
This situation will unfortunately continue for a little while longer yet.
If anyone sends any private mail, please note it may be some time before I will be able to respond.

I'm sure that those of you who are seriously in favour of a new forum, will continue to ensure the idea is kept fresh on the boards.

Many thanks again,

Best regards to all

Posts: 1282 | Location: Northern England, United Kingdom | Registered: January 07, 2006
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Picture of Cooksey Shugart
My vote is yes yes.
Posts: 62 | Location: Cleveland, Tennessee USA | Registered: November 27, 2002
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Picture of Claude Girardin
What a good idea!

Cooksey's book is already a very good base for a good start!

At some point, language may become a problem, as not all connoissors are fluent in English.

In any case, I am ready to participate as well as I can.
Posts: 168 | Location: Nidau-Biel/Bienne, Switzerland | Registered: July 06, 2004
IHC Member 376
Picture of Samie L. Smith
I vote yes sounds like a great idea.. Smile
Posts: 3208 | Location: Monticello, Kentucky U.S.A. | Registered: June 24, 2004
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Your forum is up and running, now show all of us how important it is to you.

Start some new topics, keep it active, informative and fun. Smile

Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Hello All,

It's Fantastic to find the New Forum up & running! Razz

We're presently tucked away in deepest rural France, but managed to borrow access to a neighbour's pc for a short time and poke my head around the door.
Hopefully next time we're out here, I'll have my own internet access rigged up, we do at least have a phone here now!

A Million thanks to Lindell & Debbie for giving the forum a shot, and for the efforts of all concerned who were involved in moving all those threads - No mean feat at all!

Many thanks too to everyone who supported the idea, whether in person or in spirit, truly most appreciated. Hope the sceptics will become converts too, I'm sure many of you also have European watches tucked away somewhere!

Obviously I'm somewhat time limited regarding trawling the threads or replying to any just yet, but the forum does look well supported so far, and for that - my considerable gratitude to all who have contributed!

I can see I'll be in serious danger of contracting RSI or a worn out keyboard on our return to the UK (Mid November) Wink.

I'll be adding a few threads of my own too!

Enjoy the forum and keep those threads coming! Big Grin

Hope some of you are enjoying a better Autumn (Fall?) than we are! Roll Eyes

Best regards to all

Posts: 1282 | Location: Northern England, United Kingdom | Registered: January 07, 2006
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