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Patent 1319; Acier 3047; day/month/date; 1800's? "Click" to Login or Register 
Patent 1319; Acier 3047; day/month/date; 1800's?

know nothing about my great-great grandfather's watch. Am assuming it would have been made in 1800's. Has swiss cross insignia and a crest with two keys. crystal missing. Would appreciate any information or a lead to where I could learn more about it. thank you. The "days" are: M, D, M,D,F,S,(S)

Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
"Day"letters in German. Day wheel turns.


Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
inside movements. Work!


Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
acier 3047 mark


Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
another 3047 mark


Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
Shows how little I know (nothing)! the knobs to set month, day, and time are here. To set time, the latch moves up and down!


Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
beautiful watch.looks in pretty good condition.i think it is probably a swiss made watch of some make.very interesting old pocket watch.
Posts: 203 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 11, 2014
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
Very nice and treasured piece of family history and an heirloom most assuredly !

I can't read the words on your Calendar/Day/Date , Pin-Set European watch dial It appears the first word is "PATENT" ??

The word "Acier" has a generalized meaning of steel or as it was called in the days "gun metal". So your watch case is made of base metal. The number "3047" is usually the case number as cases are numbered for inventory and ID as well as movements. Many movements such as this, is a typical bridge styled ebauche movement that were in vogue from 1885-1900, a lot of them are not marked and not numbered and were made for many companies worldwide.

I would opt to find a trusted watchmaker who could restore your watch , if need be, and put it in good running/operating condition and further preserve it for a memento of your family.

Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
Thank you. Any idea of vintage? Did the Swiss make watches for the German market (days of week are German) or would this be for the area of Switzerland that speaks Swiss/German?

Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
The face of the watch says "Patent 1315". To what does "patent refer?"

Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
the patent ch1319 has been recorded from Henri Morel of Bienne in the 1889. unfortunately I don't have other news of this watchmaker

Posts: 25 | Location: Torino in Italy | Registered: January 28, 2014
Enrico: thank you so much! I am in the midst of moving, but when that chaos is done, I am going to take the watch to a watchmaker to get it into working order.

Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
it is possible a close-up of the crest with two keys?
regards enrico
Posts: 25 | Location: Torino in Italy | Registered: January 28, 2014
See if this is clearer.... Taken through magnifying glass and cropped. Do you think Henri Morel was the same man who was president of the Swiss national council 1886-87?


Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
Enrico: how does one look up patents? I'm fascinated by what you found for 1319. Best regards,

Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
for a swiss patent :https://www.epo.org/index.html

and also a german database : https://depatisnet.dpma.de/Dep...iger&switchToLang=en

for US patent : http://patft1.uspto.gov/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.htm

movement (Ebauches) is a product of FHF of Fontainmelon but was assembled by Cesar Alexandre Turler. with his brother Henri founder of Turler jewelry

regards enrico
Posts: 25 | Location: Torino in Italy | Registered: January 28, 2014
Thank you again, Enrico. Did seeing the crossed keys tell you anything?

Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
the crest with crossed keys was the trademark of Türler brothers of Biel. then continue as jewelers in Zurich
regards enrico
Posts: 25 | Location: Torino in Italy | Registered: January 28, 2014
You have truly enlightened me and I thank you for educating me by sharing your resources. I was fascinated reading the original patent and seeing the original illustrations. My french is minimal. Exactly what movements was the patent for? Was it for the wheels displaying the day and month? I had no idea when I posted this watch how much I could learn about it. Truly, enrico, thank you! Gratefully,

Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
this patent CH 1319 could be applied to all movements.
sorry but I'm not so good at translating:
<<My invention involved a new simplified combination dial calendar.
The dial A indicates the hours and fixed the dial B on the platina.
The dial B indicated the dated from 1 to 31, and carries the dial G and also the dial D. The dial C is used to indicate the days of the week;
it has a rotating movement on the dial B.
The dial D is used to indicate the month; it also has a rotating movement under the dial B.
C and D dials are setting up with a finger at each end of the month.>>

regards enrico

Posts: 25 | Location: Torino in Italy | Registered: January 28, 2014
Once again, thank you enrico. Your diligence to guide me is greatly appreciated. I sent Tuerler an email referring them to this site and to the patent site. I sent an attachment with watch pictures and reproduced the drawings from the patent pages. They have posted a history of their family business. It mirrors the history of the two men who could have owned this watch. They came to America and founded a famous brewery in New York in 1845. I will let you know what Tuerler adds about the watch.

Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
Just received an email from Tueler Uren in Zurich. They are researching watch. Thank you again Enrico for all your help. They said to be patient, so next post may be in awhile.

Posts: 16 | Location: Dallas, Texas in the USA  | Registered: February 14, 2016
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