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antique swiss pocket watch (please help) "Click" to Login or Register 
i have an old swiss pocket watch ..it reads clarefax on the face and movement..it allso has F ans S stamped on the movement,wich i asume is fast and slow..on the inside back of the case it has an arm n hammer emblem within a diamond stamped in it..this is all that is enscribed on this watch nothing else,no serial numbers nothing..i cant find any info on clarefax..someone please help?
Posts: 4 | Location: Janesville, Wisconsin USA | Registered: June 28, 2007
All of the cases that I have seen with the arm & hammer emblem in the back have been lacquered brass cases.

Can you post a pic of the case, dial and movement?

Posts: 1060 | Registered: March 10, 2003
IHC President
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Welcome Adam,

Yes, as Tom correctly pointed out that "Arm and Hammer" marking was for brass cases. Cases so-marked were manufactured by the Keystone Watch Case Company.

The fact your Swiss movement is marked as Fast / Slow rather than Advance / Retard may mean it was made for the North American market. The "Clarefax" name is a new one to me, but if you can post a movement image perhaps one of our members will be able to provide additional information.


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
a couple days ago i posted the question above about an old swiss pocket watch..with the name clarefax on the movement and dial..thankyou tom, and lindell by the way, for the info on the case!!!

well i found out that clarefax was made by langendorf watch co. but now i cant find much info on langendorf watch co..lol..i dont know if it is even swiss..does anyone know anything about langendorf watch co..or where i can find different names of watches made from langendorf, so i can try to find clarefax..ide like to say again im new to all this watch repair..lol..but im finding it very intresting..thankyou to anyone who can help.
Posts: 4 | Location: Janesville, Wisconsin USA | Registered: June 28, 2007

Hi Adam,

Langendorf is also known under the names of Lanco, Larex & Lancyl.

Lanco & Lancyl are the most common of those (to me at any rate as I have watches and movements bearing both names).

Lanco = Lever movements,
Larex = Pin Levers (Langendorf),
Lancyl = Cylinder movements (Langendorf).

Hope this helps

Best regards

Posts: 1282 | Location: Northern England, United Kingdom | Registered: January 07, 2006
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