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Painted Hebdomas Dial? "Click" to Login or Register 
Hi Folks,

I recently bought a Hebdomas PW dial from a local dealer on eBay. The dial was variously described as a "Hebdomas Dial", "original & mint" & "New/Old Stock".

When it arrived it turned out to be a 2 layer paint job (no transparent topcoat) rather than the 3 layer enamel type normally found.

When I took this up with the seller he informed me that later Hebdomas watches did indeed have painted dials and that he recently sold an unused Hebdomas wristwatch, BNIB, with a painted dial.

Has anyone out there come across original painted dials on Hebdomas watches?

Posts: 57 | Location: Brisbane, Australia | Registered: January 27, 2008
Hi Dick,
Frankly, I would prefer a painted dial if it was original (as opposed to 'Aunt Violet' who likes to paint tea cups and saucers).

Check out the following site!


Posts: 803 | Location: Knoxville, Tennessee in the USA | Registered: September 02, 2009
Hi Mike,

Aunt Violet says she's very hurt but is sending you a sample of her latest saucers just to show there's no hard feelings!
Posts: 57 | Location: Brisbane, Australia | Registered: January 27, 2008
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