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Information on English case makers "Click" to Login or Register 
I now have 3 fusee watches. An 1828 verge by Frankcom, Bath, An 1865 Hunter cased lever by John Edwards, Liverpool, and an 1866 open face lever by Moses Cohen in Sheffield. I had another 1886 open face unnamed one that I just sold because it had numerous issues I just couldn't accept any more.

The information I'm looking for now has to do with the makers of the cases. I have looked in numerous places and been unable to nail down any of them.
The 1828 verge has the city mark for London and the maker's mark of JJ on both cases. The initials are just plainly stamped and not inside any border shape.

The 1866 open face lever by Moses Cohen, Sheffield has the city stamp for Chester and a makers mark of J&J.H inside an elongated oval.

The 1865 Hunter lever by John Edwards, Liverpool has the city mark for London and a makers mark of a plain IH inside no shape.

None of the cases have any Sovereign's head or duty marks.

Any information anyone can give would be appreciated.
Posts: 328 | Location: Plattsburgh, New York in the USA | Registered: December 17, 2012
JJ James Jackson (II) & Son 22 Richmond Street Old Street

J&JH Joseph Jones Hargreaves 46 Slater Street Liverpool

IH John Hammon 11 Sekforde Street Clerkenwell.
hope this help.
regards enrico
Posts: 25 | Location: Torino in Italy | Registered: January 28, 2014
Wow, Thank you very much.
Posts: 328 | Location: Plattsburgh, New York in the USA | Registered: December 17, 2012
John Hammon

Dear Donald,

The casemaker could also have been John Holford.

Regarding John Hammon, the craft was something of a family speciality. For more information I'd recommend you to : http://www.925-1000.com/forum/...pic.php?f=74&t=31007 and http://www.925-1000.com/forum/...pic.php?f=74&t=31006

I have found good watches with Hammon cases made by Viner, Johnstone (Liverpool) and John Pendleton (Liverpool).

Posts: 27 | Location: Kent in the United Kingdom | Registered: May 15, 2015
hello David Nice to hear
I also saw John Holford. but in the book of Piestley It is listed as a trademark in round or square corners and not incusive like John Hammon.
regards enrico
Posts: 25 | Location: Torino in Italy | Registered: January 28, 2014
Dear Enrico,

Yes, I do think Hammon most likely. However, when listed as 'John William Hammon' with a Clerkenwell address, the registration dates are in the range 1825-40. 'John Hammon' is listed separately at York Street, Coventry, with dates, 1857-73, which fits with the third watch. Interestingly, another IH mark is listed for John Harris, also at York Street, Coventry, dates 1866-89 (?). As I always say, with old horology research, every time you think you've found an answer, it's just as likely you've found another query!

Posts: 27 | Location: Kent in the United Kingdom | Registered: May 15, 2015
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