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Stem & Crown missing "Click" to Login or Register 
Hello members, would appreciate help if possible, I have a case without a winding stem or crown,
I have some spare stems and crowns which I bought with a job lot, I now have a movement which will fit the case, Problem is it possible to put a stem and crown in the case and if so the best way to do it, photos of case Thanks in anticipation Les

Posts: 107 | Location: Liverpool, England | Registered: November 27, 2009

Posts: 107 | Location: Liverpool, England | Registered: November 27, 2009

Posts: 107 | Location: Liverpool, England | Registered: November 27, 2009
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
Hi Leslie,

It appears you may have a 10K Dueber case on your hands Eek

The stems come in different lengths to fit different movement set-ups and it appears from what I am seeing that it is threaded inside the pendant to accept a sleeve which are mainly there to adjust the stem up and down correctly to operate the appropriate movement.. It would also seem the case requires the "onion style" crown that is appropriate from that era. That has to be a trial and error with the different crowns to fit down correctly over the pendant.
Hope that is what you were asking about Confused

Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
Thank,s Buster, From what you say the crowns I am showing are onion, I have tried every where here for a sleave wrench without any success, I have finaly found one in the USA which i have now ordered, best regards Les

Posts: 107 | Location: Liverpool, England | Registered: November 27, 2009
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