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Help with Chester Hallmarks "Click" to Login or Register 
Can anyone help me with a couple of Chester Hallmarks? I've looked at the charts and just can't be certain. I tried to get as close up as I could with my camera. Hallmark 1:

Posts: 827 | Location: Bloomington, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 29, 2008
Hallmark 1 again:

Posts: 827 | Location: Bloomington, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 29, 2008
Hallmark 2:

Posts: 827 | Location: Bloomington, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 29, 2008
Hallmark 2 again:

Posts: 827 | Location: Bloomington, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 29, 2008
The first is certainly Chester 1854, and the silversmith probably Wm. Hammon of Coventry. The second is certainly (...almost) Chester 1855, but I couldn't find anything about the silversmith. Hope this helps.
Posts: 277 | Location: Cardano al Campo in Italy | Registered: March 29, 2008
Fantastic! Thanks Mario. That's just what I wanted to know. They are earlier than I thought!

Posts: 827 | Location: Bloomington, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 29, 2008
The hallmark inside the inner case of second watch may be more distinct. Here it is:

Posts: 827 | Location: Bloomington, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 29, 2008
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