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need help to identify this survivor "Click" to Login or Register 
need any help i can get identifying this fusee , im also planning on selling it, so some help with putting a value on it would be appreciated. it is in running condition and has the diamond cap. it also has some old paperwork with it.
Posts: 32 | Location: Washington State in the USA | Registered: April 30, 2014
pic 1

Posts: 32 | Location: Washington State in the USA | Registered: April 30, 2014

Posts: 32 | Location: Washington State in the USA | Registered: April 30, 2014

Posts: 32 | Location: Washington State in the USA | Registered: April 30, 2014
pic 4

Posts: 32 | Location: Washington State in the USA | Registered: April 30, 2014
pic 5

Posts: 32 | Location: Washington State in the USA | Registered: April 30, 2014
pic 6

Posts: 32 | Location: Washington State in the USA | Registered: April 30, 2014
Is there no maker's name on the movement? - your pic's resolution doesn't allow me to see for myself. However, I think the casemaker mark is for Matthew Govett; known example dates for him are in the range 1806-18. Matthew was born circa 1766 and started as an apprentice to James Richards (see also http://theoldwatchword.blogspo...ittle-and-large.html) in 1781. He had premises at Ironmonger Row. He died in 1823. The hallmarks are in my opinion for 1810.
Posts: 27 | Location: Kent in the United Kingdom | Registered: May 15, 2015
The movement says london on one side then henry of james on the other
Posts: 32 | Location: Washington State in the USA | Registered: April 30, 2014
There is a note with the watch that says it has 19jewels including a diamond cap
Posts: 32 | Location: Washington State in the USA | Registered: April 30, 2014
I believe the case is hallmarked for 1810 also,but the movement is a newer lever fusee with balance screws and jewels that in my opinion would be from the middle to the late 1800's.i do not believe the movement came with this case..the movement that would have came in this case would have been a verge fusee...
Posts: 203 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 11, 2014
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very old fusse silver watch (ends 08/27/15 @ 22:00)

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