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S.W. Spangenberg 5/0 Transition Watch? "Click" to Login or Register 
I picked up this watch this morning. It is size 5/0 approx. 26 mm. It has the S.W. Spangenberg, Kingston, Ontario Canada imprint on the face, and also on the movement. The number of jewels are not given, but I would guess seven. The case is marked .935 with the Swiss rampant bear logo. The case name is imprinted as "Narcisse" above which is "Sterling Silver", there is the word Swiss and under that the serial #148111 and under that an "X". It is also engraved: From Staff M&M 1904.

Whilst it has been well described as being a Swiss made watch, was wondering if by chance the movement bears any resemblance to other "named" watch movements? I understand this type watch case is called a transition case, as it could also be worn as a wrist watch.

It would be interesting to trace the 1904 company M&M.



Posts: 17 | Location: Ontario in Canada | Registered: August 07, 2009
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Posts: 17 | Location: Ontario in Canada | Registered: August 07, 2009

I wouldn't get your hopes up that that watch may be a product of a well known watch house, but I can say that for the period, it would have been well prized by its owner.

The watch itself isn't a true 'Transitional' type, as the strap lug has been fairly crudely soldered onto the case, probably done by a local jeweller long ago.
The watch still retains the original bow, and would have started life as a ladies Fob watch which would have been worn on a 'Chatelaine' or 'Albertina' - a decorative chain worn from the belt of a dress.

Watches of this type were commonly altered to be worn as wristwatches.
My Mother had her Grandmother's watch altered the same way too, but the stem pipe was also hacked off so the crown would sit lower, which also got rid of the bow in the process.
I've since converted it back to a fob and married it to an ornate Silver Albertina.

The Canadian PL dial and engraved movement on your watch is a curious mix, because the case sounds to have both Swiss and Scottish hallmarks for Sterling silver.
My guess is, it may be a recased movement unless it made a very tortuous route from Switzerland to Canada and back Via Scotland ..........

I'm assuming the 'X' is an assay mark, which from memory is for Glasgow, who would probably have marked it as Sterling silver and not the Swiss assay office.
Not sure if Canadian assay offices mark silver that way.

As for the movement, it appears to be an 11 Jewel Swiss lever, and you don't see many Swiss lever movements in Fob watches that size - the vast majority you'll find have cylinder types, so it was certainly a cut above average for its day.
Sterling is .925, so yours is a tad higher grade.

Should make a nice watch cleaned up with new hands and a bevel edged mineral crystal.

Best regards

Posts: 1282 | Location: Northern England, United Kingdom | Registered: January 07, 2006
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