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Studer "Click" to Login or Register 
Do any of you European pocket watch experts know what this is? Thanks.

Posts: 160 | Location: Hartville, Ohio in the USA | Registered: August 18, 2005

Not sure what you mean by "What is This'... The watch is what as know as a contential verge fusee.. The city on the dial, Rheinfelden is on the Swiss German boarder were the 3 countries. France, Germany, and Switzerland come together.. The Studer name is listed in England around the 1820's but I would not think it is the same person.. Movement is a typical Contential design, not English, and the silver case with the very heavy pendant, bow and rather large hinge would date to the late 1790's to the 1830's or so... Nice dial and case but it appears the verge staff is broken..or maybe just missing the jewel and end stone.. The movement plates are not pinned together correctly..so other pivots may be broken..
Posts: 638 | Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin USA | Registered: November 22, 2002
Thanks. A friend of my Dad asked if I could clean a watch and put on some hands. I told him sure - then he handed me this grand old piece. What a suprise. I have never worked on a verge fusee before. I do not even know if it is salvagable. What do I look for? Where do I get parts? Can I make it any worse?
Posts: 160 | Location: Hartville, Ohio in the USA | Registered: August 18, 2005
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