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Pallet bridge differences "Click" to Login or Register 
I have noticed in my research that the hamilton/ball pocket 999 16 size uses two different pallet bridge assemblies. One is the standard 992 circular pallet bridge the other one is different. I know that ball used 992 parts threw out the 999 but where did the different pallet bridge come from. All my research on 992 I can't find that style pallet bridge.
Posts: 19 | Location: Stevenson Ranch, California in the USA | Registered: November 30, 2012
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Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.

First, welcome aboard to IHC185!

I haven't had time to compare any watches, but my first thought is you have a 999 into which someone has installed a 992 pallet bridge. Ball didn't use 2 bridge designs.

Best Regards,

Posts: 6696 | Location: Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: April 19, 2004
Mr. Parsons, thank you for your reply. I have examined several 999's on Ebay. If you examine the pallet bridges on several of the 999's you will discover 2 different types of pallet bridge assemblies. One is the standard Hamilton 992 bridge assembly but the other one does not look anything like the standard 992. The second type of bridge assembly looks a little bit like a Waltham except that it has the standard brass cap jewel as found on a 992.

The reason for the questions is that I have a 999 that requires the second type of pallet bridge assembly and I know that Ball utilized existing manufacturers and did not make his own watches. So the question begs, where did Ball get this second type of pallet assembly?
Posts: 19 | Location: Stevenson Ranch, California in the USA | Registered: November 30, 2012
IHC Vice President
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Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.
The one that looks like a Waltham is probably a Ball-Waltham, not a Gr 999, which was made only by Hamilton.

Could you please post some photos or at least movement numbers?

Best Regards,

Posts: 6696 | Location: Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: April 19, 2004
Thanks for your help. There are several on ebay. Here are the numbers 180896570584 (movement B610339) and 281023414204 (movement B622970).

The reason for all the hooplaw is that I have a ball 999 parts watch B631898 and I have several 992's for parts. What I am missing is the pallet bridge assembly and the pallet. My 999 is a Hamilton but the pallet bridge assembly is not your typical Hamilton lay out. I also know that ball didn't interchange his parts. SO WHAT THE HECK.
Posts: 19 | Location: Stevenson Ranch, California in the USA | Registered: November 30, 2012
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