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Early Ball Hamilton 999 Grades B-D "Click" to Login or Register 
It is just possible that finishing room and factory ledgers will help us spot parts watches.

From my observations, it seems possible to me that 999B's are Jewelers watches(incl Ball), 999C's are BLF or BLE or BLF of E, 999D's are BRT's.

In the 13k run, there are 70 that are not 999B's and in the 14K run only 50.

The desigations pretty much match the list that I have compiled, with a few exceptions.

The exceptions could mean that I have recorded bad information or that the exceptions are restored parts watches.

They could also mean that my theory is wrong.

I would love to see under the barrel bridge of those exceptions.

finishing room records show:

The Finishing Department records show.
8701-8800 938
13000 is listed as 999
14001-14100 999B
14101-14124 999D
14126-50 999C
14151-200 999B
14201-15000 999B

Any observations pro or con would be appreciated.

Thanks and happy hunting,

Posts: 881 | Location: Arroyo Grande, California USA | Registered: February 22, 2004
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