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18s Brotherhood dials and movements "Click" to Login or Register 
Sorry if this a repeat question, I was looking for an old thread but can't find it. Would anyone know if all 18s Brotherhood movements had brotherhood dials or would some have ORRS dials. If some had ORRS dials then about what movement serial # would Ball have started using ORRS dials. Thanks Joe
Posts: 311 | Location: New Jersey in the USA | Registered: February 13, 2011
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Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.
All the Ball brotherhood watches were originally sold with brotherhood-marked movements and dials. Of course you find them today with only the marked dial, or more often only the marked movement, but those are not correct.

Best Regards,

Posts: 6696 | Location: Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: April 19, 2004
Thanks for the reply Ed. I sorta remembered the post but my memory is bad so I had to ask. I guess if one doesn't mind carrying an "incorrect watch" if there is such a thing, personally I'd rather have a brotherhood movement wearing an ORRS dial than a brotherhood dial on a ORRS movement, since the dial don't tick and it's not all shinny with moving parts...... even if the dial is the tougher of the two mates to find. I know someone who has a BRT dial but you couldn't pry it outa his cold dead hand. hmmmm, maybe I'm not offering him enough $$$$$
Posts: 311 | Location: New Jersey in the USA | Registered: February 13, 2011
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