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Ball movement in Non Ball case. "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1892
I have a 21 jwl Ball-Waltham 16 sz. Not in a Ball case. Question is: did Ball supply movememnt only to stores to be fitted in other cases?? I am in Canada and have had/seen several such watches over the years. It seems to me the were all/most fitted in Canadian made cases. Any thoughts.
Posts: 361 | Location: Kincardine, Ontario in Canada | Registered: November 25, 2013
IHC Member 665
John, it would be good to know the serial number and very nice to see photographs.

After about 1900 all 16s ORRS Ball watch movements destined for the US were sold in Ball Model marked cases. The situation seems less certain for Canada.

Definitely, a great many of the 16s ORRS watch movements that went to Canada were cased there, in Ball-marked (BALCO) cases made in Canada, but it might be dangerous to say that all were treated that way.

As cases wore out, re-casing occurred, which would explain at least some instances of 16s ORRS watches in Canada not having Ball-marked cases.
Posts: 216 | Location: East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Registered: December 31, 2005
IHC Member 1892
Hi John: Thank you for your reply. Unfortunatly I am havinf difficulty sending pics. at this time. The serial no. B255732, dates the watch to 1915 ish. I have done a little research on the current case. It is marked "Defiance" which I have found was made br STAR case co. and this model was used only after 1947. There are 7 repair marks inside the back cover with only 2 marked with a date, one is 11/47 and the other 17-7-58. This case has only one set of screw marks.
Sooo. I would think this movement had a new case in 1915 (Ball or not) which was replaced in 1947 and remains with the watch today.
The case shows wear but is otherwise solid. I have cleaned the movement and it runs well. It is a very nice unaltered movement and dial with original hands. I think I will leave it in the original/replaced case. (unless someone has a early Ball case laying around) Roll Eyes
Posts: 361 | Location: Kincardine, Ontario in Canada | Registered: November 25, 2013
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine

Hello John,

Please check out this link:

How to Photograph Your Watches and Clocks

If you are still having troubles posting the images, then please send them along to our IHC185 eMail: ihc185@roadrunner.com

and I will post them for you.


Posts: 5475 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
IHC Member 665

I do agree with your deductions about the case in which the movement currently resides. The Ball movements are so good that many of them would have outlived their original cases.
Posts: 216 | Location: East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Registered: December 31, 2005
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