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Ball & Co Movement Number Listings "Click" to Login or Register 

Ball & Co Movement Number Listings

In this topic we will list Ball & Co. Watch Movements by the numbers...

BLE's and ORC's were originally factory produced for Ball by Howard, see Ball-Howard for pictures and more information. From advertising references I believe Ball had some of these in inventory up into the 20th century. It is my belief that Ball and Co BLE's and ORC's had original B style barrel bridges displaced by these brotherhoods and may have no serial numbers under the barrel bridge. Their corresponding dials match the style found on Ball & Co Watches from serial numbers 42001-170400. Some of these bridges were found still in inventory when Ball shut down decades ago. It seems obvious that Ball filled orders from union members with these bridges as needed. Unfortunately so did some modern collectors/dealers! It will be important for the collector to have the correct dial and movement combo! This research pretty much stops at 170400 movement number.

With decades of switching components and even movement parts, it is difficult to say anything with absolute certainty, but I have enough confidence in the mathematical probability of this information to state that:
I would definitely want to inspect the bottom of the plates for serial number matches before purchasing a watch that did not conform to my expectations.

EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS: "DS" = Double-Sunk / "SS" = Single-Sunk / "AN" = Arabic Numerals / "SR" = Single Roller / "BSSG" = Ball's Standard Superior Grade / "ORRS" = Official RailRoad Standard / "RRWCO" = Railroad Watch Co. /

ALPHABETICAL LETTERS to assist in sorting out movements:
999A appear to be 21J with Sunray Damasceening.
999B appear to be ORRS, either Ball and Co or Private Label.
999C appear to be BRT
999D appear to be BLF
999E are Ball's Standard Railroad Watch Co (Early 17J Movements) Then later at 170101-170400.
999F are Railroad Watch Co (Early 16J movements) Then later at least until the 90101-90950 run. (Things get a little confusing there.)

Serial, Model, Movement Description, Dial Name

601 936 BSSG WCB
603 936 BSSG 999
607 936 BSSG WCB
608 936 BSSG WCB
611 936 BSSG
6019 936 BSSG
6020 936 BSSG mrkd 17J WCB
6105 936 BSSG WCB

7103 937

8619 936 BSSG 80 P I
8629 936 BSSG WCB
8630 936 BSSG
8631 936 BSSG
8645 936 BSSG

8711 938 Ball & Co ORRS Ball Watch Co dial
8716 938 F F Bonnet ORRS F F Bonnet
8718 938 F.F. Bonnet ORRS F.F.Bonnet
8729 938 C.C. Fried
8731 938 Marcy & CO Ball Watch Co dial
8732 938 Marcy & CO ORRS Marcy & CO
8741 938 A.Bach ORRS A. Bach
8742 938 A. Bach ORRS A. Bach
8745 938 A.Bach ORRS A.Bach
8747 938 Murphy & Co Hamilton Dial w Ball pat
8752 938 W.C. Davis ORRS W.C. Davis
8774 938 Ball & Co ORRS Ball & Co
8782 938 Ball & Co ORRS Ball Watch CO dial

9489 939 ORRS

13001-13020=999C 13021-13070=999D 13071-13400=999B

13018 999C C.C. Gere !!!!!!!! Ball & Co ??
13020 999C BRT BRT

13021 999D BLF BLF
13025 999D BLF B of LF& E Ball Watch CO 80 P I
13028 999D BLF ORRS
13029 999D BLF BLF
13030 999D BLF BLF
13041 999D BLF BLF&E Ball watch CO dial
13045 999D BLF BLF
13050 999D BLF BLF ...
13053 999D BLF BLF
13078 999B Davis Bros
13108 BRT Frankenwatch??!!
13109 999B Ball & Co ORRS
13125 999B BRT!!! BRT!!!
13134 999B Ball & Co ORRS
13153 999B B.H Stief Co. B.H. Stief Co.
13169 999B Lynn & Leedy L &L
13172 999B Ball & CO ORRS
13173 999B Marcy & Co Marcy
13176 999 B Borgerdine Br ORRS
13177 999 mismatch plates and dial
13196 999B W G Smith with unsigned dial
13200 999B Ball & Co ORRS
13202 999B Ball & CO ORRS ...
13203 999B Ball & Co ORRS
13213 999B Ball & CO ORRS
13245 999B Ball & CO ORRS
13253 999B Ball & Co ORRS
13264 999B C.C.Fried CC Fried
13266 999B C.C.Fried
13271 999B Ball & Co ORRS
13293 999B Ball & Co ORRS
13303 999B Ball Watch CO !!
13312 999B Ball & Co ORRS
13324 999B Ball & Co ORRS
13337 999B Ball & Co ORRS
13347 999B Ball & Co ORRS
13380 999B Marcy & Co Hamilton Marcy S
13388 999B Frank Hammond Frank Hammond

14001-100=B 14101-25=D 14126-50=C 14151-850=B 14851-75=C 14876-900=D 901-15000=B

14016 999B J.R.Read & Co Ball Watch Co dial 78 P I
14030 999B B.H. Stiff B.H. Stiff
14041 999B Eustis Bros Eustis Bros
14056 999B W.B. Wilcox W.B Wilcox
14060 999B J.C.Woelfle J.C. Woelfe
14076 999B C.W. Smith C. W. Smith
14100 999B Wm. Kendricks ORRS
14107 999D BLF BLF
14123 999D BLF Hamilton dial
14127 999C BRT BRT Ebay
14128 999C BRT Brakewheel
14129 999C BRT BRT
14138 999C BRT BRT
14159 999B ORC!! ORC!!
14175 999B Ball & Co ORRS ...
14177 999B Frankenwatch Ball Watch plate
14184 999B Kruckemeyer & Cohn Ball Watch dial!!
14194 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14205 999B Ball & CO BAll Watch Co dial
14209 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14212 999B H Joseph H Joseph
14237 999B Ball & CO ORRS
14243 999B Ball & CO ORRS
14244 999B C G Derleth C G Derleth
14252 999B J.C. Woelfe
14257 999B W.V. Foster W.V
14259 999B Ball & CO ORRS
14269 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14287 999B W V Foster W.V. Foster
14290 999B W.V .Foster W.V. Foster
14304 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14340 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14342 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14343 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14370 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14392 999B Ball & CO ORRS
14396 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14398 999B H Joseph H Joseph
14406 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14418 999B Ball & CO Ball Watch CO
14420 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14447 999B Erza F. Bowman Erza Bowman 77 P I
14458 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14484 999B Ball & Co ORRS ...
14522 999B W B Wilcox
14551 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14575 999B C.J. Howley C.J. Howley
14613 999B Wm. Kendricks & Sons 78 P I
14614 999B Ball & CO ORRS
14625 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14688 999B j.R. Reed Ball Watch Co
14691 999B Ball & CO ORRS
14695 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14698 999B Ball & CO ORRS
14706 999B Ball & CO ORRS
14710 999B Wm. Kendricks & Sons, Kendricks
14724 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14737 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14757 999B Ball & CO Ball Watch CO Ebay
14761 999B Ball & Co ORRS 78 P I
14767 999B Ball & CO ORRS
14779 999B Ball & Co Ball Watch Co
14780 999B Ball & CO ORRS
14785 999B Ball & CO Wrong dial
14788 999B Ball & CO ORRS
14791 999B Ball & CO ORRS
14836 999B Ball & CO ORRS
14856 999C BRT BRT Brakewheel Damaskeen ...
14868 999C BRT BRT
14877 999D BLF Ball Watch BLF
14893 999D BLF BLF FLAT 3
14898 999D BLF ORRS
14901 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14912 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14918 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14927 999B Ball & Co ORRS ...
14961 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14964 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14965 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14985 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14896 999B Ball & Co ORRS
14993 999B Ball & Co ORRS

20508 999E BSRRWCO
20518 999E BSRRWCO
20519 999E BSRRWCO 80 P I
20529 999E BSRRWCO
20530 999E BSRRWCO Balls Standard
20535 999E BSRRWCO PL Charles Braun (Hamilton)
20539 999E BSRRWCO
20552 999E BSRRWCO
20577 999E BSRRWCO ...
20588 999E BSRRWCO
20601 999E BSRRWCO Balls Standard RRWCO
20645 999E BSRRWCO
20663 999E BSRRWCO
20669 999E BSRRWCO
20672 999E BSRRWCO
20682 999E BSRRWCO
20687 999E BSRRWCO
20689 999E BSRRWCO
20691 999E BSRRWCO
20708 999E BSRRWCO
20720 999E BSRRWCO
20722 999E BSRRWCO
20730 999E BSRRWCO
20746 999E BSRRWCO
20764 999E BSRRWCO "Uniform Standard"
20768 999E BSRRWCO
20781 999E BSRRWCO
20793 999E BSRRWCO

20803 999F RRWCO
20825 999F RRWCO 78 P I
20826 999F RRWCO 79 P I
20843 999F RRWCO
20852 999F RRWCO 79 P I
20853 999F RRWCO
20862 999F RRWCO
20877 999F RRWCO
20885 999F RRWCO
20894 999F RRWCO
20908 999F RRWCO
20911 999F RRWCO
20916 999F RRWCO
20920 999F RRWCO
20926 999F RRWCO Someone engraved "17 Jewels" on movement!!
20949 999F RRWCO
20950 999F RRWCO
20953 999F RRWCO
20957 999F RRWCO
20969 999F RRWCO
20982 999F RRWCO
20989 999F RRWCO

28001-28100=B 101-115=D 116-130=C 131-400=B 401-450=C 451-500=D
28501-28550=C 551-600=D 601-625=A 28626-29000=B

28039 999B Ball & Co ORRS
28046 999B Ball & Co ORRS
28092 999B W.B. Wilcox Ball Watch CO dial!
28104 999D BLF BLF
28108 999D BLF BLF
28110 999D BLF BLF
28120 999C BRT Ball watch co dial
28139 999B Ball & CO ORRS
28155 999B Ball & Co ORRS
28205 999B Ball & CO ORRS
28209 999B Wm Kendricks on mvmt & Dial
28211 999B Ball & CO ORRS
28223 999B Ball & CO ORRS
28232 999B Ball & CO ORRS
28234 999B Ball & Co ORRS
28264 999B Ball & CO ORRS
28290 999B Ball & Co ORRS
28295 999B ORC
28305 999B G.W. Dickenson G. W. Dickenson
28307 999B Ball & C0 ORRS
28336 999B Ball & CO ORRS
28357 999B Wm Kendricks Ball watch co dial
28365 999B Ball & CO Hamilton
28371 999B Wm Kendricks Wm kendricks
28382 999B Ball & Co (938mark!) Ball Watch Co.
28395 999B G W Dickerson
28398 999B Ball & Co ORRS
28404 999C BRT BRT (flat 3)
28413 999C BRT BRT
28420 999C BRT BRT
28430 999C BRT BRT
28437 999C BRT BRT Brakewheel Damaskeen
28452 999D BLF BLF
28462 999D BLF BLF
28468 999D BLF BLF
28483 999D BLF BLF
28516 999C BRT BRT
28517 999C BRT BRT
28525 999C BRT BRT
28536 999C BRT BRT
28543 999C BRT BRT
28557 999D BLF BLF
28558 999D BLF BLF
28562 999D BLF BLF
28573 999D BLF BLF
28589 999D BLF BLF
28602 999A BLE BLE
28611 999A BLE BLE647
28617 999A Ball & Co B of LE
28632 999B BLE BLE Ebay
28647 999B ORRS Ball Watch CO
28701 999B Wm. Kendricks Wm. Kendricks
28704 999B BLE BLE
28711 999B ORRS ORRS
28712 999B BLE barrel bridge on 118764
28719 999B Wm Kendricks
28747 999B Ball & CO 42950 Barrel BR
28748 999B BLF !!!!???
28755 999B ORC ORC
28809 999B Wm Kendricks
28824 999B BLE BLE (damaged dial)
28827 999B !!!! BLE ??? BLE
28887 999B ORRS ORRS
28917 999B ORRS ORRS
28941 999B !!!! BRT ??? BRT Circular damasceen
28942 999B !!!! BRT ??? BRT
28962 999B Ball & CO ORRS
28972 999B Ball & CO ORRS
28981 999B BALL & CO BALL WATCH CO dial!!
28983 999B Ball & CO Ball Watch Co dial !!
29000 999B BLE BLE 79 P I

42001-100=D 101-200=C 201-300=B 301-400=B 401-500=A 501-600=B 601-700=A 701-43000=B

A lot of conflict in these 42k reports, Did Ball really order 100 D's? The price guide values the 13k and 14k watches higher than these later runs. Could they be the victims of a lot of improvements or cannabalizing? 301-400 from factory records seem to be B's, but all the observations are Brotherhoods. Could this be the transition point when BLF and BRT's are installed with blank serial number barrel bridges at the Ball facility? Perhaps future research will make it clearer.

42005 999D BLF BLF
42009 999D BLF BLF&E
42012 999? Ball & CO ORRS!
42018 999? BLE BLE
42026 999D BLF BLF
42031 999D BLF BLF ...
42035 999D BLF BAll & Co
42037 999D BLF BLF
42076 999D BLF 936 Balance!! BLF
42086 999D BLF Ball Watch CO
42093 999D BLF BLF
42096 999? BLF BLF
42115 999C BRT BRT
42120 999C BRT BRT
42121 999C BRT BRT Brakewheel Damaskeen ...
42148 999C BRT BRT
42152 999C BRT BRT
42155 999C BRT BRT
42157 999C BRT BRT
42159 999C BRT BRT
42179 999C BRT BRT
42196 999C BRT BRT
42215 999 Ball watch plate and dial mismatch ebay
42228 999B Ball & CO ORRS
42240 999B Wm. Kendrick's Sons
42267 999B Ball & CO ORRS
42287 999B ORC ORC
42298 999B Ball & CO Ball Watch co
42309 999D BLF BLF
42316 999D BLF BLF
42330 999D BLF Ball Watch Co
42340 999D BLF BLF
42352 999C BRT BRT
42364 999C BRT BRT
42401 999A BLE BLE
42406 999A BLE BLE
42414 999A BRT BRT
42420 999? Wm. Kendrick's Sons
42437 999A ORC ORC
42457 999A ORRS ORRS
42458 999A BLE BLE
42459 999A BLE BLE
42491 999A ORC ORC
42497 999A ORC ORC
42502 999 ?? BLF&E Dial with no patent markings!!
43503 999B Ball & Co ORRS Incomplete
42509 999B Ball Watch Co ORRS
42516 999B Ball & CO ORRS
42558 999B Ball & Co ORRS
42576 999B Ball & Co ORRS
42582 999B Ball & Co ORRS
42606 999A BRT BRT
42611 999A BLE BLE
42613 999A BLF BLF
42619 999A ORC ORC
42622 999A BRT BRT SR
42623 999A ORC ORC
42653 999A BLE BLE
42662 999A BLE BLE
42666 999A BRT BRT 80 P I
42675 999A Ball & Co Ball Watch Co
42680 999A BRT BRT
42690 999A BLE BLE ...
42703 999B ORRS ORRS
42705 999B BLE BLE 79 P I
42733 999B BLF 80 P I
42769 Wm Kendrick's Sons Wm Kendrick's Sons
42850 999B Ball & CO ORRS No pallet or dial
42860 999B Ball & CO ORRS
42866 999B Ball & CO ORRS
42872 999B Ball & CO ORRS
42876 999B Ball & Co ORRS
42880 999B Ball & Co ORRS
42881 999B BLE BLE
42918 999B ORC ORC
42963 999B BLE BLE

54982 976 Ball & CO Ball Watch Co

56243 974 Ball & CO Ball & CO 16sz 17 J
56402 976 Ball & CO
56844 974 Ball & Co Ball & CO 16sz 17 J

58049 972 Ball & CO

59290 972 Ball & CO

60225 976 Ball & CO Ball & CO

62909 974 Ball & CO
62910 974 Ball & CO Ball & CO

Posts: 881 | Location: Arroyo Grande, California USA | Registered: February 22, 2004

90101-200 = F 201-600 = Uniform standard 601-700 = G 700-750=G? 751-800 = F? 801-950 = F

This seems to be the point at which factory letter designations are changing! Except for the first run of 100 there are no F's as previously known. Note that around 90751 they seem to be marked Ball Watch Co, not Ball and Co and the last group of F's seem to be all Commercial Standard's.

90101 999 Ball & Co ORRS SR
90129 999 Webb C Ball Barrel Roman DS BSRRWCO DIAL
90145 999 RRWCO RRWCO!!
90155 999 RRWCO
90160 999 RRWCO
90179 999 RRWCO WCBCO
90183 999 RRWCO WCBCO
90188 999 RRWCO WCBCO
90201 999 Ball & Co ORRS SR
90216 999 Ball & Co "A" 79 P I
90217 999 Ball & Co "A"
90220 999 Ball & Co "A"
90228 999 Ball & CO "A"
90232 999 Ball & Co ORRS SR
90242 999 Ball & Co ORRS SR
90258 999 Ball & Co ORRS DS
90268 999 Ball & Co "A" Ball watch co dial!!
90285 999 Ball & Co "A" Ball watch co dial!!
90346 999 Ball & Co ORRS
90358 999 Ball & Co "A" ORRS
90385 999 Ball & Co "A" Ball Watch Co dial!!
90403 999 BSRRWCO bridge # 20708!!!!!
90405 999 Ball & CO "A" ORRS DS
90450 999 Ball & CO "A" ORRS SS!!
90457 999 Ball & CO "A" ORRS DS DIAL
90458 999 Ball & Co "A" ORRS DS
90460 999 Ball & Co "A" ORRS DS
90490 999 Ball & Co "A" ORRS DS
90513 999 Ball & Co "A" ORRS DS dial
90514 999 Ball & CO "A" ORRS DS
90528 999 Ball & Co "A" ORRS DS
90537 999 Ball & Co ORRS "A"
90538 999 Ball & Co ORRS "A"
90539 999 Ball & Co ORRS "A"
90546 999 Ball & Co ORRS SR
90557 999 Ball & Co ORRS SR
90566 999 SR John Holtz
90576 999 Ball & CO ORRS SR
90578 999 Ball & CO ORRS SR
90617 999 Ball & CO ORRS SR DS
90624 999 Ball & CO B of LE SR
90626 999 Ball % CO ORRS SR DS
90646 999 Ball & CO DS
90671 999 Ball & CO DS
90692 999 Ball & CO ORRS SR
90705 999 Ball & CO ORRS SR parts watch
90710 999 Ball & Co ORRS SR
90720 999 ORRS "A" 80P I
90767 999 Ball Watch Co Commercial Std
90772 999 Ball Watch Co Commercial Std
90773 999 Ball Watch Co Commercial Std
90784 999 Ball & CO? Commercial Std
90787 999 Ball & CO? Commercial Std
90789 999 Ball Watch Co Commercial Std
90793 999 Commercial Std Balll Watch Co
90815 999 Commercial Std Ball Watch Co
90859 999 Commercial Std Ball Watch Co
90897 999 Commercial Std Ball Watch Co
90905 999 Commercial Std Ball WAtch Co
90911 999 Commercial Std Ball Watch Co Ball Watch Co dial!!
90916 999 Commercial Std DS Ball Watch Co
90922 999F Commercial Std DS Ball Watch Co
90938 999 Commercial Std Ball Watch Co

118001-100 = 21J 101-200 =? 201-400 = 17J 401-500 =? 501-600 =17J 601-700 = 21J 701-119000 = 17 J

118024 999 BLE BLE
118051 999 BLF
118055 999 BLF BLF
118065 999 ORC ORC
118082 999 BRT BRT
118084 999 BRT BRT
118120 999 BLF BLF 21J
118141 999 Ball & Co 21J ORRS Ball Watch Co Dial
118170 999 Ball & Co ORRS
118210 999 BLF BLF
118219 999 Ball & Co ORRS parts watch
118261 999 Ball & CO ORRS
118268 999 Ball & CO ORRS
118277 999 Ball & CO ORRS
118354 999 Ball & CO ORRS SUNRAY
118356 999 Ball & CO ORRS Sunray
118430 999 BLF BLF
118440 999 BLF BLF
118492 999 Ball & Co ORRS
118527 999 Ball & Co ORRS ...
118553 999 Ball Watch CO Ball Watch Co
118562 999 Ball Watch CO Ball Watch CO
118576 999 Ball & CO ORRS
118602 999 Ball & CO ORRS 21J
118621 999 Ball & CO ORRS 21J Sunray
118651 999 Ball & CO ORRS 21J Sunray
118660 999 Ball & CO ORRS 21J Sunray
118708 999 Ball & CO ORRS
118709 999 Ball & CO ORRS Ball Watch Co dial
118743 999 Ball & CO ORRS SR DS
118764 999 Mismatch Barrel BRidge BLE (28712)
118779 999 Ball & CO no dial
118787 999 Ball & CO Ball Watch co dial
118795 999 Ball & CO ORRS
118803 999 BLE BLE (118792)
118838 999 BRT BRT
118852 999 ORC ORC
118865 999 ORC ORC
118935 999 Ball Watch Co Ball Watch Co
118941 999 Ball Watch Co Ball Watch Co

17001-100= 17J 101-170400 = E !! But, not the same "E" that we have seen before. Factory designations have changed!

170026 999 Ball Watch Co Ball Watch Co ORRS dial
170030 999 Ball Watch Co Ball Watch Co ORRS dial
170045 999 Ball Watch Co
170108 999
170144 999 Ball & CO ORRS SR DS
170162 999 Ball & CO ORRS DS SR
170197 999 Ball & CO ORRS SR DS
170206 999 Ball & CO ORRS SR DS
170210 999 Ball & CO SR
170218 999 Ball & CO SR Hamilton dial
170240 999 Ball & CO SR Ball Watch Co dial
170247 999 Ball & CO ORRS
170249 999 Ball & CO ORRS SR DS ...
170257 999 Ball & CO Kendricks!!!!!????????
170264 999 Ball & CO SR Ball Watch Co Dial
170280 999 Ball & CO ORRS
170282 999 Ball & CO ORRS SR
170354 999 Ball & CO ORRS
170370 999 Ball & CO SR Ball & Co DS
170376 999 Ball & CO SR Ball & Co DS
170392 999 Ball & CO SR

170504 999 Ball Watch CO Commercial Std 17J
170648 999 Ball & Co!! 21J BLF !! Replaced barrel bridge!
170633 999 Ball & Co!! 21J BLE !! ?????????????????
170668 999 Ball & Co 21J BLE

170704 999 Ball Watch Co 21J Adjusted ...

208087 999 Ball Watch Co
208600 999 Ball & Co ORC ????!!!!!!!!!!!

There appear to be 81 Brotherhoods, 42 private labels and 77 Ball and Co marked movements out of a possible 3500 that have shown up so far.

Made some more progress in the higher serial numbers up through 170K.

Private labels pretty much get phased out after the 14K run. There are 5 in the 28K range and only 2 in the 42K range so far. None have shown up after that.

Posts: 881 | Location: Arroyo Grande, California USA | Registered: February 22, 2004
Hi again guys and gals,

Latest counts from my list...

8701-8799 3 Ball & Co and 6 private labels (no brotherhoods that early)

13001-13400 10 Ball & Co 9 private labels 7 brotherhoods

14001-15000 21 Ball & Co 16 private labels 5 brotherhoods

28001-29000 9 Ball & Co 5 private labels 18 brotherhoods

42001-43000 8 Ball & Co 2 private labels 28 brotherhoods

Out of a total of 3,500 we found 51 Ball & Co 38 private labels and 58 brotherhoods

So only 147 known to me out of a total of 3,500 possibles. That is less than a 5 percent survival rate. Prior to that 42k run, it is pretty much one third Ball and Co, one third private label and one third brotherhoods.

I know of no private labels produced after that 42k run.

If anyone is willing to share any additional examples that I can add to our data base, we would appreciate it.


Happy hunting,

Bill Kapp
Posts: 881 | Location: Arroyo Grande, California USA | Registered: February 22, 2004
I have updated the list above with new observations and correlations! Any input, corrections and comments would be appreciated.

I particuarly need observations or photos of undersides of barrel bridges!


Posts: 881 | Location: Arroyo Grande, California USA | Registered: February 22, 2004
Hi Bill, I also own and would like to add to your list a BALL & CO serial # 28211 17j with ORRS Ball & Co dial with a wavy top 3. Your list is still growing. Have a great weekend
Posts: 311 | Location: New Jersey in the USA | Registered: February 13, 2011

thanks and congrats on the nice collection you are building!

happy hunting
Posts: 881 | Location: Arroyo Grande, California USA | Registered: February 22, 2004
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