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Ball/Hamilton Watch Case for 1924. "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Paul Adams
What "Ball Model" case would you expect to find on a 999 movement in this year? Would it be common to find a 20th Century Model Case? What about the "Antique Bow" case? Would it be common also? Thanks in advance for the info!
Posts: 181 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2008
Picture of Paul Adams
It looks like I may have confused everybody. I am aware of the "Standard" Ball/Hamilton gold filled case which is the most common of cases in both the 999 and the 999-B. But, what about the 20th Century Stirrup Bow and the Antique Bow cases seen mostly on the Waltham Balls? Hamilton also made a case almost identical to the "Antique Bow" case that was Ball marked, in the 1920's if I have been told right. And of course, you see various things for sale that have definitely been changed on the web sales sites. My question is: "What Case would be the most likely to find on a Ball Hamilton 999 from the year 1924. Also, what other cases were used in 1924? I have a great movement and a Great Early Ball Dial and hands, but I need a case. Need help in what I should be looking for. Anyone? Thanks in advance.
Posts: 181 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2008
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