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I really don't where to post this thread but here goes... "Click" to Login or Register 
Is clock and watch “collecting” about over? I don’t mean the coveted love, want or beauty of the mechanisms, just the cost. How many normal folks or normal collectors can afford a fine watch or clock anymore? Maybe, it’s just me. I don’t make a lot of dough so it’s about over for me. I can remember when I made a lot less dough and could afford some fine pieces. Of course, I’m not talking about the extremely complicated pieces or the rare timepieces in solid gold or whatever precious metal. I’m talking about fairly common stuff that is astronomically priced these days. Am I alone in these thoughts? Confused

Posts: 84 | Location: Lincoln, Nebraska USA | Registered: November 20, 2002
Nope, you are not alone Jim, try buying these things with Canadian money!! Its certainly not a hobby for the poor, if one is intent on collecting the finest examples of the rarest and most desirable. As you stated, even the more commonplace examples are certainly not cheap. An interest in pocket watches or horology in general doesnt have to mean obtaining all the best examples of all the best out there. I have spent enough on pocket watches in the last year to pay for a new car!! I have slowed down considerably and am spending more time on less costly pursuits. I have been finding lots of old movements, cases and dials and tearing them down and putting them back togeather. I have made up several working watches that have been put togeather from parts of various junk watches that I have obtained. I dont sell them, I dont try to decieve anyone, I dont try to present them as being origonal. It is fun and it doesnt cost much. There are many ways to have fun with this hobby that dont cost a fortune. I agree that one has to have very deep pockets if one is going to attempt to obtain only pristine examples of only the most desirable and rare clocks and watches available.
Im like you.. I like to eat, pay my bills and have a life outside of collecting. I had to put the brakes on. Doesnt mean I am any less interested in the pristine watches than anyone else, I simply cant justify the expense of obtaining them in large numbers.
Fortunatly, there are many ways of enjoying this hobby without having to sell the farm.

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IHC Member 156
Posts: 39 | Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada | Registered: November 23, 2002
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