Internet Horology Club 185
Can anyone help me please

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December 03, 2020, 11:30
Mike Haig
Can anyone help me please
Can anyone help me please.
I have been using a database which deals with all makes of pocket watches.
It finds your watch based on the serial No.and gives a full description of it plus a guide value but I can't remember what it is called.
I don't know how, but it has disappeared from my computer and I have no way of accessing it.
I've tried all the ones which come up on a search but non are as good as this one.
Does anyone know the name of the site I'm looking for.
I think originally I got the site from ihc185.

Please help if you can.
December 03, 2020, 12:27
Mort Denison
Probably this one: Pocket Watch Database

Mort Denison
December 03, 2020, 13:37
Mike Haig
Thanks Mort but that isn't the one I'm looking for.
December 03, 2020, 13:56
Peter Clare
How about this one...


December 03, 2020, 17:01
Bila Wirriganwalters
Are you sure it is not the one Mike that Mort has mentioned, as it is the only one I know of that gives values (although these are so far out in some instances as it does not take into account a lot of variants, that is just one of the issues with their value estimates, also there are a few other criteria that are not addressed as well).

It has recently had a revamp and looks different now, so if you haven't been there recently at first look you might not realize that it is the one?
December 03, 2020, 18:34
Brian C.

Bila, I think you're right. I've noticed the change as well.
December 04, 2020, 04:10
Mike Haig
Thanks a lot Mort and also Billa and Brian C. for explaining the change.

It's been so long since I used it and the site is so different that I just bypassed it.

Went back to it and investigated properly and it turned out to be the correct one.

I don't rely on it for values but just for good descriptions.

Thanks again all, and have a good Christmas and stay safe.

December 04, 2020, 06:53
Lindell V. Riddle

Mike and everyone,

We have long suggested simply posting a description and picture of your watch so we can not only look it up but also render an opinion on value, collectability and desirability based upon our experience and what we can see in looking at the specifics of the watch in question.

Personally I have noticed dubious information from the so-called database mentioned earlier in this topic. My opinion is based on years of experience and the fact that when typing specific examples from my collection into on-line "database" they are often very inaccurate.

Stay well, wear a mask!



December 06, 2020, 08:44
Nathan Moore

While it can never be perfect, I work to improve the database on a daily basis. As we all know, outliers are inevitable in any hobby. Let me know which watches did not return the expected information. I will look into these and make necessary corrections.
