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Webb C. Ball Instructions to watch inspectors and Misc. "Click" to Login or Register 
, by Tom Seymour (created on )Gallery | Comments 
Picture of Tom Seymour
The first two pages are copies of instructions to watch inspectors. The heading reads;"New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co., Central New England Railroad Co., Office of Gemeral Time Inspector, Instructions to local watch inspectors.

It lists watches that can and cannot be used, and repairs that must be made.

Following that, I have posted some misc. documents related to watches. I though you might find them interesting.
IHC Life Member
Picture of John D. Duvall

Ball's memo is a real treasure. There's a lot of good information about the hairspring and index pins. Thanks for posting all of these.
Picture of Brian C.
How come the pages won't download for me?
Brian C.
Very interesting reading Tom, is there a way to zoom in to see these better.Thanks for sharing this with us.
Picture of Tom Seymour

The best way I have found to view them is to click on the thumbnail, then click to "view full size" (lower left corner). The Ball documents are the toughest to read. They had the smallest print. The other documents are much easier when you view full size.

I am not sure why you can't get these. Are you having trouble with all of the photo album format posts, or just this one? Maybe one of the more technically savvy folks on board can help you more with this.

Picture of Brian C.
I'm just having trouble with this one. I click on the page and it says wait to load but it never does. When I click on the lower left corner, the screen gets bigger and it says wait to load but that never loads either.
Brian C.
Picture of Tom Seymour
Brian, I am stumped. It works for me. I wonder if others are having problems with it also. If you want, I will email you the jpg for these.
IHC Member 234
Picture of Jim Cope
...works for me Tom...thanks for the show!!!
Picture of Brian C.
Yes, please send me the jpg for these.
This is also the first time I had to click on comments to reply to a thread. Usually there is a reply box to click on. Is something changing here? I have very limited computer knowledge but this is the first time I've ever had a problem like this.
Brian C.
Picture of Brian C.
I just tried to open pictures on the unique watch school project and that doesn't work for me either. For some reason I can't enlarge any pictures on this photo gallery.
Brian C.
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

What BROWSER are you using?

Picture of Brian C.
What is a browser? I have Comcast as my internet service provider.
Brian C.
Picture of Tom Seymour
Brian, The "browser" is the software you use to get around the internet. The most popular ones are Netscape, AOL, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Safari.

I find that not all of the features works when I use Safari as my browser. But when I use the latest version of Netscape, then all of the features work just fine. The Photo Album feature is one that gave me problems before I switched to Netscape.

The browsers are a free download. You may need to sqitch browsers or update the one you have. You can have more than one browser installed. I use Safari for my home page, and for most things, but when I go to IHC I use Netscape, especially for the photo album and the CAT/RT.

These things are frustrating. I hope this helps a bit.
Picture of Brian C.
Thanks Tom,
I have Internet Explorer. This is the only time I have had any problems. Everything always loads and quickly.
Thanks Again for your help.
Brian C.
Picture of Stu Goldstein
Looking at Page 1, it appears that Webb called South Bend grades 323, 329, 223 and 229 “Studebaker” instead of “The Studebaker,” and also called grade 227 a Studebaker. Tsk tsk!
IHC Life Member
RR Watch Expert
Picture of Ed Ueberall
South Bend didn't introduce the "Studebaker" mail order watches until after the Ball instructions were written, so the distinction between "The Studebaker" and "Studebaker" didn't exist in 1914. Why he would refer to the Grade 227 as a "Studebaker" I do not know, but he may have been using it as a 'generic' term to refer to all 16 size SB grades that would pass inspection. I have seen references to Elgin "Veritas" and Waltham "Vanguard" models meant to include those not marked Veritas (such as the B. W. Raymond) made in 18 size 3/4 plate and Waltham (such as the Crescent St and 845), made as Model 1892s.
Picture of Stu Goldstein
Thanks Ed – I see now that there was no need to be specific about identifying The Studebaker until the advent of the "no The" Studebaker in 1923.

Stu Goldstein
IHC Member 19
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